Saturday, June 27, 2009

Grateful Friday

This week I am grateful for;
  1. For beautiful weather and great health that allowed us to enjoy TWO great days out with friends and family. Wednesday we met my friend Joy and her two adorable boys at a park in Salt Lake. Liberty Park is a gem hidden in a city! Yesterday we met up with my sister-in-law and went to the outdoor pool in Tooele...that was a blast.
  2. My hiking boots that double as boots for riding the ATV. No more wet feet when I go splashing through mud puddles and now I can join Phillip and Meghan on their hiking adventures.
  3. My darling little's not all roses in the park...but it is a great life.
  4. A place to go in the mountains that allows us to enjoy the beauty of nature...and have some comforts of home at the same time...and awesome in-laws that allow us to use their cabin.
  5. Faith that no matter the results of my dear friend, Tara's testing that if she has faith and willingness to fight to the end, the result will be what Heavenly Father wants for this precious daughter of his...I only hope I will know how to be of comfort to her, her spouse, and precious children.

1 comment:

Masked Marauder said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog! I've left you an award on my new "creations" blog...