Friday, June 12, 2009

Meghan and her grandma

Meghan loves her grandparents, all of them. The relationship she has with each grandma, grandpa, nana, papa, and pops is different and special in their own rights. I was luck as a child, all of my grandparents were alive and most of my great-grandparents. This allowed me to have a bond with each one. The love of a grandparent is a special love that every child should get the pleasure of feeling.

Last Saturday, we went with Phillip's parents up to their cabin for the day. We were getting away from the roar of the jets that the air show on base was sure to cause. Our original plan was to go to the air show as I wanted to see the Thunderbirds perform. Unfortunately every time they flew above our home during their practice on Friday Meghan would freak out. So we called Phillip's parents and asked if we could join them. It worked out great; Phillip was able to help his dad make a few repairs that were needed, we avoided the jet noise for Meghan's sake, and I got a relaxing afternoon out of the deal.

I am excited to going back up there this coming Wednesday....

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