Friday, June 12, 2009

Grateful Friday

On top of the usuals; hubby and kiddo...I am grateful for
  1. A great week of catch up cleaning for arriving guests...I got a lot done, and there is still some to be done before the guests arrive. However, I am not stressing....
  2. Great conversations with my husband. Talking to him always helps me put whatever ails me into perspective.
  3. Comfort given by understanding that there is a life after death and that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER.
  4. Courage to FINALLY go back to school. I have applied for admission to the Park University on base. Park University's main campus is in Missouri, but there are "satellite" campuses on bases all over. I know enquiring minds want to know.....I still don't know for sure what I want to be when I grow up, but I have a broad idea. As of now my major is Social Psychology with an emphasis in Human Development.
  5. Tony's Express Detail in Layton....they did things to my car that were long overdue and I am too lazy to do myself. I now have clean windows, clean dash and console, shiny tires, and all that Emma hair has been sucked up.
  6. My allows me to make meals to freeze so that when I am feeling lazy I don't have to cook. Tonight I made BBQ beef and chicken enchiladas. YUMMY.


Lacey said...

WTG! The first step is always the hardest. I've been toying with going back to school and taking some photography classes so I have something "official" under my belt. I don't know what I want to do when I grow up either.

Amy said...

Hi Lynn! Loved your list. Especially #2. That is definitely one thing I am particularly grateful for as well.

Congrats on going back to school!

And thanks for your comment on my blog... it's so nice to meet you!